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Outils pour une gestion durable du foncier et de l’environnement urbain dans un contexte de transition politique. Municipalités de Bethlehem, Beit Jala and Beit Sahour, Palestine.


L’équipe PL8 s’est fixée pour objectif de décrire l’interaction entre la dynamique de la population, le développement urbain et l’environnement dans le gouvernorat de Bethlehem. La question de la durabilité a été abordée d’un côté, en évaluant le rôle des municipalités et les problèmes qu’elles rencontrent et, d’un autre côté, grâce à l’étude des perceptions de ces municipalités par les habitants. L’équipe a été ainsi capable de proposer une série de recommandations quant aux politiques alternatives et aux instruments permettant de générer un développement durable, tout en en prenant en compte les contraintes à la mise en œuvre de ces politiques.

Fiche signalétique

Country : Palestine
Language : English, Arabic
Team leader : Jad Isaac, The Applied Research Institute-Jerusalem (ARIJ), P.O. Box 860, Caritas St, Bethlehem – Palestine. Tel. : (972-2) 2741889 ; Fax : (972-2) 2776966 ;
Team members :
Other collaborating institutions :
Support mission : Aude Signoles : 7-11 November 2005.
Total budget : 24000 €
Project status : completed and approved

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Problem, objectives, contexts and challenges

This project was designed as a pilot study of the policies needed to implement national urban and environmental policies at the municipal level through public participation and the integration of sustainable development concepts. Our team observed the interaction between population, urban development and the environment with special emphasis given to demographic factors, land use and the urban environment.
The target area of the study is the urban area of Bethlehem Governorate. It consists (...)

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This question of the sustainability of the target area was approached from two complementary angles. On one hand, the analysis of the role of the municipalities, and the problems they face, and, on the other hand, an investigation of the citizen’s perceptions of these same municipalities.
In order to analyze this role of the municipalities, a series of interviews and roundtable meetings were conducted with the decision makers and the directorate of Local Government in Bethlehem Governorate. (...)

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By combining the results of these two enquiries the team was able to draw up a series of recommendations regarding alternative policies and tools towards sustainable development in the target area. The analysis of the role of the Municipalities was divided into four sections according to the sectors and issues that the analysis tackled.
Regarding the “Municipal Administrative and Financial Management” sector (1), the results show that if the residents suffer from a number of difficulties and (...)

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Conclusions and policy implications

As a conclusion let us present what appear to be the main constraints facing the implementation of the proposed policies. The unstable political conditions, characterized by Israeli military presence in the West Bank, the lack of Palestinian sovereignty over their lands and resources, the Segregation Wall the Israelis are constructing on the Palestinian lands, together with the fragmentation of the West Bank into smaller Israeli controlled cantons are the main constraints the Palestinians (...)

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